Sunday, December 17, 2006

A message from Nina Petrowsky...

Dear Q and Dean

Now that Christmas is drawing near and shopping malls are turning into nightmares, I wonder if us city people have forgotten all about the true meaning of life and happiness! I, for one, find it very easy to get swept away with the hustle and bustle of spending up large for your loved ones during this festive season - until I read your blog! It's amazing how much further money goes over there, with all the good work you guys are doing for the grandmothers and their kids. It brings tears of joy to my eyes and happiness butterflies to my stomach (thanks Qiulae) - it's the most wonderful feeling in the world! I want to share this feeling with my family and friends this Christmas. So instead of buying them average gifts that they may or may not like, I'm going to gift my very modest Christmas budget for you two angels to put to better use. So Margaret Malcolm, Qiujing Wong, Dean Easterbrook, Qiuchee Wong, Qiulae Wong, Jilyin Wong, Amporn Saepur-Petrowsky, Sonia Petrowsky, Laurent Haumonte, Jurgen Speck, Lamduan Speck, Abigail Scollay, Christine Lin and Cayden Lin - this is my Christmas present to you all! I hope it will also bring tears of joy to your eyes and happiness butterflies to your stomachs. Who said money can't buy happiness?

Merry Christmas!


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