Today, Chloe & Halle (on behalf of Debbie Riopel) and the Munro family (on behalf of Elaine Munro), donated towards the project...and we have decided that this will go towards the family we have been focussed on in the slum of Kibera. In particular, we have asked Silas (16), David (15) and Wyclef (20) to get the costs (with our Kenyan based helper) of attending high school in 2007. These boys have just finished free primary education...and there is no way they can go to high school next year. They are amongst the 9 orphaned grandchildren living with their bed-ridden grandmother and they are beautiful boys...who with education will do so well in life. I know it may sound as though i think everyone is wonderful, but in reality, there are always a handful in life like this whom helping really does feel right for.
We cant help the whole 800,000 in the slum, but we can help a few...and we will.
So Debbie, Elaine, and Nina, your donations will go towards covering the costs of school fees. In general we estimate one High School education to cost Ksh50,000 ($1351.00 NZD) per year...so eventually we hope to be able to help all 3 boys.
Their story is complex, and interesting...and you'll see for yourself in the film. But for now you may have to trust my word that they are worth it :)
Thanks so much - and to my family who are thinking of buying me anything for Xmas, please don't! I have enough. Just donate to this family - that will make my 2007 worth starting on the right foot.
Love the AGT team.
That's amazing! We're grateful to you for making our donations find those who truly need it. My family will look forward to meeting Silas, David and Wyclef in your film. I'm sure this is the beginning of our 'global family'!!
Thank you so much for all you're doing!!
Cheers to the Borderless Production team....
Dear Qiu and Dean,
The stories you are sharing are so inspiring!
Thanks for challenging us to take a closer look at our values and our hopes for the children of the world.
You are providing us with the best gifts possible!
Thank you!
deb riopel
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