(REPORT from Susie Banfield, Voiceless Children US
The presentation of "A Grandmother's Tribe" to a local Idaho youth group (Grades 9 to 12), on Sunday, October 5th, was an inspiration to both myself and the eager young viewers. As I sat among the group after the film's screening, I learned that our younger generation is not out of touch with the world, but are caring and concerned about our shared future. When asked about how the film affected them, here are some of the comments received.
The film was about respect for the older generation and respect for each other. It made me think about how I respect my elders.
It showed me what great love they have for family and each other.
It made me think about myself and where I'm headed in life. It is so much easier for me to make those decisions than those who have less.
We are lucky here in this country... that we have so many advantages, even if our families are not wealthy.
I learned that we should appreciate the fact that we can go to the store and buy a chicken... and not have to share it with eight people.
It makes me thankful that I can take a shower every day and that I don't have to walk so far just to water for drinking and washing.
It made me want to go to Kenya and help those less fortunate.
I believe that the meaning that young viewers experienced is valuable to them and that reaching across the world to share this human insight is powerful. As we move forward in screening "A Grandmother's Tribe", we will continue our tireless efforts to raise the funding necessary to ensure a hopeful future for these amazing elder women and the grandchildren in their care.
Please contact us directly if you would like to arrange a a special screening of this film!!
In the US... susieatvoiceless@aol.com (To visit the VC BLOG click here)
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